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2005 Yamaha Majesty
2003 Yamaha FZ1
1988 Yamaha FZ750
2002 and 1992 Kawasaki KLR650
1986 Yamaha XT350
1986 Kawasaki Eliminator 900
1989 Kawasaki Eliminator 600
1984 Yamaha RZ350
1984 Kawasaki Gpz750 Turbo
1986 Kawasaki Ninja 900
1988 Suzuki GSX-R750
1997 Kawasaki XZ9
1988 Suzuki Katana 600
1982 Honda MB5
1999 Yamaha YSR50
Dream Bike Yamaha M1

Feb 26, 2004 Archive
Oct 4, 2005 Archive

The Day of the Scoot is Nigh

I was very excited to see this new building assigning parking spots to fuel efficient vehicles close to the entrance. Certainly this will incentivize commuters to reconsider their daily driver with all the extra traffic congestion and elevated fuel prices. Altogether, getting a first class parking spot might be the best reason.


Our typical day starts in San Antonio, although some riders come down from Austin, and runs in a spider web of directions throughout the surrounding country side.  There is usually little traffic, plenty of twisties, and lately lots of loose gravel.  Now that we are approaching preferred riding weather, we will be doing rides on both days of the weekend depending on schedules and other factors.  Although the majority of us have ridden with the Texas Sport Bike Association (TSBA), we are not currently a formal group, but just a bunch of motorcycling enthusiasts that network by word of mouth and get together as often as possible.

If you are interested in riding with us, contact TexasCycleUSA and we can get it going.

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